Managing Tangible Assets from A to Z

Managing Tangible Assets from A to Z

Master effective asset management in Managing Tangible Assets from A to Z! This course equips you with skills to track, capitalize, and value your business's tangible fixed assets. Explore depreciation strategies, best practices for maintenance and disposal, and the complexities of leasing. By the end, you'll have practical tools and confidence to ensure your assets drive financial success!

Course Curriculum

Introduction to the course

Introduction To The Course

Section 1. Overview of Tangible Fixed Assets

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Fixed Assets

Lesson 2 - Fixed Asset Register

Section 2. Asset Accounting and Valuation

Lesson 3 - Capitalisation Rules

Lesson 4 - Asset Valuation

Lesson 5 - Revaluation of Fixed Assets

Section 3. Depreciation and Asset Impairment

Lesson 6 - Depreciation – Outline and Detail

Lesson 7 - Impairment of Assets

Section 4. Managing and Maintaining Assets

Lesson 8 - Asset Maintenance and Repairs

Lesson 9 - Disposal of Fixed Assets

Section 5 - Leases

Lesson 10 - Introduction to Leased Assets

Lesson 11 - Operating and Finance Leases

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